Ready to say Goodbye to Sneeze Guards?
BrandPoint Services is ready to help your business return to normal
Throughout the pandemic, BrandPoint Services was quick to the aid of many national retailers, restaurants, banks, service facilities and offices with sneeze guard strategies and installations. We provided our partners with shielding solutions to assist in protecting from Covid-19, installed by our quick and responsive task forces who managed installments in a timely manner.
In an eight week span, BrandPoint installed over 30,000 sneeze guards at over 17,000 locations for a variety of clients. As we emerge on the other side of the pandemic, BrandPoint Services is offering those same expedited services to help your business turn the page on Covid-19 by removing sneeze guards and help restore your business’ environment.
BrandPoint Services has the ability to execute sneeze guard removals quickly and effectively at multiple business locations across the United States. The best part? We can meet your deadlines without breaking your budget. By listening to our customers and understanding their environment, experience, and goals, we can develop a strategy that’s on budget, within the expected deadline, and provides safety for all employees and customers.
Not sure if your business is ready to move away from sneeze guards? Connect with our sales representatives to learn what other players in your space are doing.
“We’ve had clients all across the country reach out to us regarding sneeze guard removal,” says BrandPoint Services President, Steve Hearon. “This is a decision that will vary from business to business, but we can help no matter which direction you choose to go in. Our expansive reach has the ability to move at an impressive pace in order to provide your business with a quick, seamless, and cost effective return to normal.”
Ready to put sneeze guards in the rear view mirror? Contact us today to learn more!