Four Things to Consider With Sneeze Guard Installations
Covid-19 continues to wreak havoc in the United States. According to the CDC, Coronavirus is believed to be transmitted person-to-person through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes. Making matters tougher, certain geographic areas have strict regulations in place, forcing companies to re-think their face-to-face experience for consumers and employees.
For months now, BrandPoint Services and our extended vendor network team have been quick to the aid of many national retailers, restaurants, banks, service facilities and offices with sneeze guard strategies and installations. With both custom and ready-made shielding solutions to assist in protecting from Covid-19, we have the right solution for your environment.
“Our team is capable of owning the entire process. From developing the strategic solution of choice, leveraging our manufacturing relationships, to shipping, and then installation, we offer an all-encompassing solution.” says, Will Nelson, VP of Operations
BrandPoint recently installed more than 32,000 sneeze guards across a national chain with more than 16,000 locations in the United States. In just six weeks from the first exploratory call, all retail locations were ready to go.
Here are four things every retailer must consider before installing Sneeze Guards!
How long will we keep them up?
Many BrandPoint customers are debating temporary vs. long-term solutions. No one knows how long Covid-19 will affect our economy and the reality is that our face-to-face experiences might be changed forever. That said, our team is able to install both temporary and permanent solutions depending on preference and strategic vision. Connect with our sales representatives to learn what other players in your space are doing.
How can we safely clean our sneeze guards and how durable are they?
With many styles and sizes available, the right solution really depends on your budget, check-out experience, and staff capabilities. For example, when it comes to maintenance and durability of the end product, certain configurations make it easier for your team to clean the surface. Installation height and product stability also affect the ability to clean.
Pro-tip: If you do choose a hanging sneeze guard solution, make sure it has the proper tilt. The last thing you need is droplets landing on the checkout counter below! Additionally, consider the impact of your HV/AC air vents and how the airflow might be impacted by hanging sneeze shields.
How will our check-out experience and register configuration affect our options?
The configuration of the check-out experience is a major component to sneeze guard installations. We’ve seen sneeze guards hanging from ceilings to fixed, fully-mounted solutions. We’ve even come across employee-controlled sneeze guards where the employee could move the guard to different setups and heights based on consumer engagement and comfort. Think about your customer engagement experience and then let our team share some ideas based on our experience in the space.
How easy (and fast) is it to remove and install a solution?
Time is of the essence. Depending on the size of your business, the installation process could impact your bottom line. Two key factors in considering the right option for your location is, “How long will this take and how easy is it get set up and disassembled?”
“BrandPoint has the experience to execute quick installations and rollout a program across multiple locations through our national vendor network. It’s really about listening to our customers, understanding their environment, experience goals and developing a sneeze guard strategy that’s on budget, within the expected deadline, and provides safety for their employees and customers.” says, Nelson
Thinking about your Sneeze Guard solution? Contact us today to learn more!