The Ultimate Tool in Project Management Efficiency
View the construction process like never before with BrandPoint Services’ 360 Survey
Are you looking for a tool that allows you view your property for a survey purpose or to track the progress of a job site remotely Look no further than BrandPoint Services’ Virtual 360 survey, the ultimate tool in project management efficiency.
The Virtual 360 survey utilizes a high-resolution camera to create a virtual tour of your property or construction activity. This series of digital scans allows you to ‘walk through’ the site – while working 100% remotely. The Virtual 360 survey improves the overall process by providing 3D imagery allowing for open communication and crystal-clear visibility.
The ability to tour your job site from the comfort of your home or office can save you time, cost, and energy. “It’s not always easy to get everywhere that you need to be, when you want to be there,” says Senior Project Manager, Michelle Rordigez. “These scans drop you right into the space, cutting down on the costs – and headaches – associated with site visits.”
Prior to Virtual 360, customers had to rely on the Site Supervisor to get information and photographs showcasing the progress of a project. This process would leave the customer with hundreds of photos to rummage through, and minimal context about where on the job site the photos had been taken.
Aside from scheduled updates on your project, Virtual 360 surveys also allows you to measure, mockup, and visualize new ideas for your space. That extra light fixture you’ve been thinking about? Or that extra door you might want to install? Not a problem, Virtual 360 can help you strategize how you want to use your space.
The best part? This virtual world is easy to consume and doesn’t require a high degree of construction or interior design experience.
Are you looking to maximize efficiency on your next construction, maintenance, or special project job site? Contact us today to learn more about our Virtual 360 services!