Pillars of Light and Love
BrandPoint Services, a proud supporter of the TKD Foundation, was able to take a huge leap forward in the new year to raise awareness for Suicide Prevention. Yesterday, the TKD foundation gave a $3,000 grant to PILLARS OF LIGHT AND LOVE, a non-profit that facilitates therapist run support groups for families left with the devastating effects of suicide. The group meets once a month and is a free service for anyone who wishes to attend. Suicide is the 10th leading cause of Death in the US with over 41,000 suicides committed annually. For every suicide there are 6 survivors. In the last 25 years, over 6 million people became members of this “survivors club”. TKD Foundation’s mission is to celebrate life and bring light to suicide awareness and prevention, we hope that this grant will give families peace and healing. #FirstServeOthers, #BPSRocks, Steve Hearon and Sonya Bohmann